• Vivamus lobortis
  • Ut porttitor urna ut pretium
  • Phasellus convallis tincidunt enim.
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Sunday, 11 August 2019

St Kilda Army and Navy Club

88 Acland Street St Kilda


Sue Ingleton's recently published book is an 'imagined history' about the lives and loves of two English women, in love and leaving their families, immigrated to Melbourne in 1875. It is an 'imagined history' because so little documentation about these women has survived.

Making Trouble - Harriet E. Dick & Alice C. Moon

Harriet Elphinstone Dick (nee Rowell) and Alice Caroline Moon challenged the pervading view of women as "the weaker sex". They promoted swimming and physical strength to women and ran commercial gymnasiums despite the common belief these activities were unsuitable and possibly dangerous for women. A local St Kilda connection is brought to light with 'Hegarty's Railway Baths' and 'Kenny's Baths' playing a role in how Harriet and Alice found their way to a new life and livelihood in Melbourne.

Given their lifestyle, their advocacy of exercise and comfortable clothing for women ("take off those boned corsets girls!") and their willingness to challenge male authority, how did Harriet and Alice fare in socially conservative Melbourne? Did their relationship survive? Why did they go to Sydney? What is the mystery about Alice's death? Why don't we know more about these women?

Sue is an entertaining speaker with a detective like drive to unearth women's lost histories.

Multi-talented Sue Ingleton is an award winning actor, director, stand-up comedian, and writer. Sue is a recipient of the Sydney Myer Individual Performing Arts Award, the Gloria Dawn/Gloria Payten Award, a Perrier Award Nomination at Edinburgh Fringe, and has performed at Adelaide International Festival of Arts, Montreal Juste Pour Rire, Festival of Fools UK, many Melbourne International Comedy Festivals, and New York International Theatre Festival. She has written and produced eleven plays, written two books and is in three published short story anthologies.

Bookings: https://www.trybooking.com/book/event?eid=531723&

Your ticket includes a complimentary house wine, beer, or softdrink.
SKHS current members: $5.00
Non-members: $10.00
Concession: $5.00