• Vivamus lobortis
  • Ut porttitor urna ut pretium
  • Phasellus convallis tincidunt enim.

25 November 2018

Join local historian Maureen Walker for an early evening walk around the St. Kilda foreshore to learn how St Kilda celebrated the end of WWI and how local veterans were welcomed home. Maureen will explain the significance and scale of fundraising and how the local community worked to support veterans and their families. If you've ever wondered about the why and how of St Kilda's iconic Memo Hall, you'll have your questions answered.

carnivalsCarnivals, Charity & Commemorations

Join local historian Maureen Walker for an early evening walk around the St. Kilda foreshore to learn how St Kilda celebrated the end of WWI and how local veterans were welcomed home. Maureen will explain the significance and scale of fundraising and how the local community worked to support veterans and their families. If you've ever wondered about the why and how of St Kilda's iconic Memo Hall, you'll have your questions answered.

This walk will include the memorial cenotaph, the St Kilda Pier (lots happened there), Luna Park, Memo Hall, and much more.

When: Sunday 25 November – 5.00 - 6.30pm (finishing time is approximate)
Where: The walk will start promptly at 5.00pm from the Cenotaph in Catani Gardens opposite Fitzroy Street and conclude in Acland Street.

$5.00 FOR NON-MEMBERS (cash payment on the day)

Bookings: https://www.trybooking.com/book/event?eid=445051&